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By Olapurpose James Asu

“Greater love hath no man than this that a man lay down His life for His friends.”

It’s another Valentine’s Day, the fourteenth of February of every year is usually recognized globally as a day on which birds were believed to mate and sweet-heart chosen and existing one’s been sustained and lavished with various gifts. 

It is a day when letters, flowers, text messages, emails or cards of sentimental or comic nature is been sent usually to person of opposite sex.

“It is a day when true lovers share flowers and sent out genuine letters to their lovers and loved ones not to someone else’s spouse to seduce them to unhealthy affairs or unholy unions. It is a time to give love and gifts to all and sundry without sentiment or expecting something in returns. It is a time to show genuine love to the unloved, to embrace the abandoned, give hope to the hopeless. Most especially, being M.A.D (Making a Difference) in this season. We should make true love our motive of celebrating Valentine’s Day.”

So many people have replaced lust for love in the process of celebrating Valentine’s Day. The rates at which unmarried Singles wallowed in premarital affairs during Val’s Day are very high compared to other days. It has become a season most married Couples practiced extramarital affairs with their secretaries, house helps or spouse sisters by taking them to eateries, fast food joints or bar beach for ephemeral enjoyment while forgetting the grave repercussion ahead of them after such moment of fantasies and foolishness. This is the season most of the hotels and motels will have lots of patronages and make lots of profits. This is the season most of our students on campuses and streets will turn themselves to prostitutes and eventually lost their virginities and dignities. What a treasure in a trash-bin!

The question above is likened to someone asking whether it is a sin for sun to shine or not to shine on a particular day or not. Is that possible? Impossible! This is my honest answer: It is not a sin for a lady or guy to get his or her spouse in this lovey-dovey season but you must ask yourself: Is this really true love or lust? Is this not infatuation?  What will be the reality of this relationship after the passing away of the Valentine’s Day? Many who are seriously seeking for soul-mates but are immature, easily fall victims into the hands of those who are sex-mates and destiny destroyers in disguise during Val’s Day. Look before you leap!
As a lady you have a Crown on your beautiful head covering your hair which you must jealously guard, because the moment you zip down your gown with that guy who you’re not legally married to, you’ll automatically lose your colorful Crown which is your honor and dignity. It is very essential for you to cherish and to protect your virginity. VIRGINITY HAS DIGNITY!
Remember: there is dignity in virginity!
As a guy you need to have the mindset that whatever you do to other ladies, the same measure shall be done to your sisters or daughters. Do unto Ladies what you want other males to do unto your sisters and daughters. Every guy is a king that must be respected while the lady is a queen that must be protected from harassment, molestation or rape by senseless being known as beast or Manimal (man who possesses attributes of an animal). Flee from sexual and fleshy lusts which war against your soul. It is a great sin unto God your maker. It is also a great threat to your glorious destiny! PURITY HAS DIGNITY!

Remember, there is dignity in purity!
This Valentine’s Day is another opportunity to put smiles on the faces of your loved ones, the destitute, hopeless and helpless in our community and country.
Many Children who have great destinies and colorful futures have been abandoned and forsaken in the orphanage homes. We are to extend our hands of love to them. And show them that we truly care for them through our presence and substance. 

And lastly, we should not forget that the real meaning of love is that love suffers long and is kind; love does not envy; love does not parade itself or puffed up; love does not behave rudely; love does not seek its own, love is not easily provoked, love thinks no evil; love does not rejoice in iniquity but in truth, love bears all things, love believes all things, love hopes all things, love endures all things and love never fails. God is Love. For God so loved the world that He gave His one and only Son to us so that whoever believes in Him, should not perish but have eternal (not ephemeral) life. Jesus Christ is the real meaning of love and in this Valentine’s Season, let us shares his love story and free offer of salvation to all. 

I believe this Valentine’s Season is another avenue to share the love of Christ with someone in your Campus, Company, Community and Country. Don’t let Valentine be an ephemeral or seasonal celebration, learn to plant a permanent seed of love in the lives of those in need today. Doing this has an eternal impact in the lives of the receiver and you will be greatly rewarded by God, the greatest giver of the best and perfect gifts here on earth and in the hereafter, in His Kingdom. Hope you will use this valentine season to put a smile in someone’s face and share the Love message of Christ with him or her?


I am OlaPurpose James Asu

Africa's foremost Purpose Coach
Principal partner, School Of Purpose Discovery International (SOPDI)
Convener, Global Changers Forum (GCF)
Twitter : @Purpose Icon
BB Pin: 2B7697BA
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Thank You. 



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