DISCOVER PURPOSE, DISCOVER SUCCESS! By Sam Adeyemi Every day we wake up and get set to go out. Some people get ready to go to work, school, a meeting or an appointment. There is one movement or the other everywhere you go. People are in frenzy; they are literally taking to their heels. Everybody is in a hurry to get to some place. Where? The big question however is: how many people really know where they are going in life? Every journey must have a destination. Life is a journey. Before God allowed us to be born into this world, He made a plan for our lives. This shows that every single person has a purpose for being alive, but not everyone discovers that purpose. So it is left to you to discover your purpose by asking God who created you and sent you here. The discovery of God’s purpose is the foundation for successful living and this discovery yields certain benefits. Purpose gives direction: It inspires us to dream of ...
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