This interview was in February 2004, three months after Eji Owuro was released. When challenges come, and it looks like I should give up, I am led to, with staying strong and being sure of The Father's mercy, read my old books, look at old pictures, and see how far the mercy of GOD has brought me. Line upon line, step on step, on purpose, I am here. And still going on, strong and steady. Here cannot even compare to the beauty of "there", as much as I am deeply thankful and privileged to have been here at all. Whoever you are, let your hope rise again at this time. It is a journey. Success does not happen "just like that". You got here, you'll get there. And I am talking to myself too! Raise your head up, square your shoulders, it'll occur to you that your feet have been made strong all this while, you only didn't know because your head was bowed in discouragement! You've found it like me? Keep at it. You are not sure of it? Put in m...
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