BEFORE YOU CHOOSE A PURPOSE (Part Two) By OlaPurpose James Asu Before you choose a purpose, is it something that God has endowed or empowered you to do? Continuation from part one... 13. Before you choose a purpose, is it something you love doing without anyone forcing you but always do with ease and passion? #PurposeCourse 14.Before you choose a purpose, is it something that stands you out among your peers, colleagues and even superiors? # PuposeCourse 15.Before you choose a purpose, is it something you’re willing to live or die for? #PurposeCourse 16. Before you choose a purpose, is it something that is part of your nature and points to your future? #PurposeCourse 17. Before you choose a purpose, is it something that keeps you going when you feel like giving up during trying times or storms? #PurposeCourse 18. Before you choose a purpose, is it something that God has endowed or empowered you to do? #Purpose...
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