By PRAISE AKOBO It's possible you may or may not have thought of 'responsibility' as a 'response to ability'. So, let's roll. .. .. .. Have you checked, how that, when you were given a task, be it in school, church, office, firm or even that which you gave yourself? Did you see that, somehow, you felt lackadaisical at first but decided to take the bull by its horn? Now, the ability to do that was resident within, but came alive when you chose to act, this is why you hear words like UNTIL YOU GET STARTED, YOU CAN NOT START. .. .. .. I discovered that I understood something's about myself when I was given a responsibility in an N.G.O and accepted it. Just like you, I hesitated but until today, that has been a major factor in my growth. My NETWORK grew as well my NET WORTH. Lets say for instance, you are asked to be part of an Editorial Committee, you finally accepted, then along the line, you discovered ...
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