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Showing posts from January 29, 2016
GIVE YOUR TALENT A ROOM FOR GERMINATION AND FRUITING! “I didn't have to stumble and grope stealthily in the darkness, stride recklessly on the rocky paths or swim nonchalantly in the murky waters. Neither did I gamble with the hypothetical cards, nor stroll through life at ease with no aim and subjected to all whims and caprice.” By Olajumoke Hadassah It wasn't a submission to hobby, desires and ambitions! The story of my talent is a reality settled before my existence. It was one predestined from the foundation of the world. Am I a born writer? I think so. But more importantly, I am made, and still in the making. I started writing at a young age. I was an ardent writer of 'story books.' And I finished my first 'complete' book at the age of thirteen. My writing has an history, one which began right in my home. With my Father as a writer, my first experience in the literary world was inside his 'Room-Library'. At a point I felt my ...