DO YOU WANT TO EXPERIENCE ENDLESS BLISS AND FIND LASTING FULFILMENT? Every individual born into this world is endowed with at least a gift, with which to achieve greatness in life. It is a great pity that so many people have not yet discovered or maximised their gifts- their source of wealth, impact and influence. And unless they discover their gifts, they can't rule their world. Discover your gift(s) and rule your world. Your gift is your source of wealth. Unravel it early while you still have breath because it is your primary source of influence and affluence in life. Creativity is an asset entrusted to you as a special gift to benefit humanity with. If truly you are genuinely created in the image and likeness of God that automatically gives you the assurance of possessing creative and innovative power both to invent and to discover new and profound ways of doing things. On this note we all @ SCHOOL OF PURPOSE DISCOVERY INTERNATIONAL have brought the FABULOUS ...
Nigeria's leading platform for SHoWcAsInG of TALENTS, ShArInG of IDEAS, NEWS, GISTS & SKILLS acquisitions in Nigerian Tertiary institutions and the Nation. ...releasing uniqueness and realising greatness!