7 KEYS TO BECOMING A SUPERSTAR! “The greatest waste of our natural resources is not oil and it is not natural gas, it is the number of people who never attempt to discover or achieve their potential and purpose by ignoring the power embedded in their minds to change events around them.” -Olapurpose James Asu- There are many “unlikely” millionaires, multimillionaires, billionaires, great leaders and stars in the world. Bill Gates, Thomas Edison, Wole Soyinka and Albert Einstein were all adjudged to have low prospects at one time or another in their lives. Do you ever wonder how some people are more successful than others? Or wonder how some people became superstars in their fields even though they supposedly had little talents or average skills? Michael Jordan cuts an imposing figure, but so do 99 percent of those who play professional basketball. So why did the young man who was cut from his high school’s junior varsity team soar above all of the others during hi...
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