Last year, precisely February, I got involved in a network marketing business. Perhaps, two things motivated me to sign up. First, I love the product, and second, the compensation plan was fantastic. Like many people, I needed the extra cash. . . . . Prior to joining the business, I was bored with my job or was it the school? On the surface, things appeared just as perfect. I mean, I was doing an excellent job as the head of school. My monthly paycheck, which never failed to come at the end of the month, was very good. My boss? Haa! The Montessori woman spoilt me silly with praises and gifts. The pupils were making us proud in terms of academics and extracurricular activities. Things were just as fine as they could be yet, yours faithfully was bored with the routine of the job. . . . . For several days after signing up with the network marketing company, I studied how the business works like a student preparing for jamb. I came up with a simplified seven pages graphic illu...
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