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By Gbenga Ademujimi

Dear Nigerian Youths, I am compelled to write this letter by my daily experiences and feedback mechanism which makes me sad every second.

An average Nigerian youth has lost hope totally in this great country 'Nigeria' and the best option they think is to run away from their home, but remember the mountain you run away from is waiting for you when you come back. Don’t run to Germany or else your DESTINY may Jam, don’t disappear to Australia so you dot STRAY away. Recently, I was addressing about 700 Nigerian youths and I just picked two of them concentrating on their mobile phones, I stylishly walked to their seat and checked their phone, it was shocking seeing XXX movies on their phones. I made an altar call in a church last year and surprisingly the worship leader came out with 'WEED' popularly known as Indian hemp in his pocket and the drummer with another roll. Our youths are busy sagging their trousers fighting, killing themselves because of foreign football clubs, may I ask, how many of these foreign players knows anyone of Nigerian youths. 

Our young adults contributed money and built viewing centers for those clubs here in Nigeria. Some handsome fools and pretty dommies are going round driving some form of Japanese and German cars and termed themselves as big boys/babes. How do you justify a 50 year old woman celebrating her Golden Jubilee with a 2002 Toyota space bus and our youths are sharing testimonies because they got visa to Germany, Ireland not because they are going to school but because they ‘taught’ they have escaped the problems in Nigeria. Are you aware that TOYOTA was around 40 years old when he was already running his registered weaving company which later became the automobile company, His son Kichiiro took his father’s dream to the next level at 47 years old. Today, TOYOTA manufactures over 10million cars annually with over 340,000 workers worldwide. Karl Benz registered his first company at 27years old and at the age of 42 he already had his patented mark for trading Mercedes as automobile company. Soichiro Honda was 42 years old when he started making bicycles and cars for humanity. Our youths had been wrongly hypnotized that COMFORT and CONVENIENCE are the victory signs over those who observe the ‘said’ comfortable ones, suffering and smiling. The most expensive slum in the world is in Nigeria-CNN report 2011, the best cars in the world are driven on the worse roads in Nigeria. Today what do we see in our youths? Please check the DISPLAY PAGE of an average teenager/youth on your mobile phone and tell me how many of them have a sensible, constructive and future message on their DP…Elegushi things, Lekki things, Protea things, Gig things, Versace bags things, wedding things, Dubai things,,,these are the titles on their DPs. 

When you see a black man or woman at any airport around the world, what we do is to be buying perfumes, clothing magazines, materials, materials, materials,,,but check an average white boy/girl,,,you will see them buying books or things that add value to their lives and make their minds robust and productive. This is a big challenge of the time we live in. Ok let’s come back home, Chief Richard Akinjide had been part of all the constitution writing in this country since he became a member of the Parliament at the age of 24 immediately he came back from studying abroad, Prof. Pat Utomi became the special adviser to President Shehu Shagari at the age of 26, Gen. Yakubu Gowon became the head of state at 29 years old, Gen. Mohammed Buhari, Murtala Mohammed, Olusegun Obasanjo, Bamanga Tukur, Ojukwu, Aguyi Ironsi, Gen. Adebayo, Fajuyi and many others had reached their goals, aspirations and dreams between the age of 25 and 40, still many of them are still controlling us, why? The answer is what I have been sharing with us on this page. We as youths of this nation are too materialistic, vain and vague. 

Our ladies don’t think anything again rather than talking, praying, fasting about marriage and making babies. They are just sold out to the family and societal pressure. Who says HONOUR and RESPECT is attracted by the title ‘MRS’,,,please young ladies stop fooling yourself and go get your education, right exposure, positive attitude and everything that will make you fulfil your purpose on earth. The hair some ladies put on their head is far expensive than their brain, remember the brain you don’t grow today will make you groan tomorrow…Your PERUVIAN, BRAZILIAN, PARAGA or GBAGADA weavon has nothing to do with the strength of your character, neither would it catalyze your level of productivity. Don’t forget that you are a GIRL by CHANCE, a LADY by CHOICE and a GENTLE LADY by CULTURE and vice versa. Mother Theresa never had her own biological child but on her account was recorded over 3million children that she cared for during her lifetime, some years ago she won the TIME magazine award, ‘WOMAN OF THE CENTURY’ and not the woman of centenary. Two nations are still fighting for her grave yard just because of the tourist attraction. How many of our young women are still living without relevance, what a shame on ‘Aso Ebi’ syndrome. An average Nigerian youth is laboring, working hard just to compete with friends and church members on Sundays, show off service instead of worship service on Sundays. We work so hard from Monday to Friday and save some money in order to spray on Saturday at a family wedding party or better still on that Friday night at club houses. Our politicians, business people and professionals are stealing the public funds just to buy the latest cars and devices that people who are younger than them invented, what’s wrong with this continent called Africa and especially Nigeria. We buy what we don’t produce and produce what we don’t buy. We own cocoa and crude oil but still imports the bye products, so the buyer of the raw materials determines the price for both the raw and the finished, what a shame? Africa has remained the single largest continent as liability in the whole global field. My friends, I want to appeal to you with every sense of humility but without any apology that please take your destinies into your own hands by following who through FAITH and PATIENCE obtain the PROMISE and not following those only explains but those who had already obtained. Anyone can doubt what you say but only FOOLS will doubt your PROOFS. Many of our youths are not ready to do anything for free, don’t forget the best way of becoming a professional is learning on the job(apprenticeship) It is the degree of your LEARNING that determines your level of EARNING. Every CHAMPION needs a COACH.

Volunteer jobs are still out there and it still pays afterwards. Dear friends, please election is starting very soon, let us make sure we shun evil and embrace righteousness, we are 70% of the nation’s population and about 60% of us are unemployed. An idle hand is the devil’s workshop my father told us when we were growing up. Joblessness is not necessarily our problem but idleness and laziness, agricultural programs are out there, let us engage ourselves in something positive, yahoo-yahoo is not a good source of income, going to Malaysia to sell your kidney because of money to buy Honda end of discussion is nothing but lack of vision and risking your health status. 

Do something positive, learn a skill, we only get tillers, good POP makers and even good plumbers from Togo, Senegal these days, there is DIGNITY in LABOUR friends. I learnt how to make blocks, rings, slabs during ASUP 5 months strike in 1993 and today no one can take the skill away from me, also I learnt graphic design, printing and publishing some time ago when I had no job, I didn’t pay for it because the owner was around my house and I will go there in the morning to help them and in the process, I became one of them. I made grinding stones from the left over of gravels, sand and cement, took them to the market and I made a lot of money, by the time ASUU/ASUP called off strike, I didn’t need money from home, I was ready for school financially. Please OKADA riding is not a COMPANY but a temporary BUSINESS, you can make money from your business but you can’t leave it behind you as a LEGACY and POSTERITY. 

Also, this our chest that we are exposing on Okada is dangerous to our health, where are the hospitals that specializes in chest and cold treatments, I am afraid for our young men riding Okadas of their health state in the next 10 years, would we have men of 50 years old again, I hope our life expectancy will not be shortened. Friends, offer yourself to an organization today and let them see the value you add to their system, your employment will be automatic, read books, go for seminars and stop wasting your time/money on recharge cards, movies, BB, facebook, expensive phones that add nothing to you, empty your POCKET into your BRAIN and you will never get BROKE Please not everyone will become Entrepreneur, some will be academics, professional, find your track and run your race with burning passion. There is danger in every young men/ladies aspiring to become musician, dancer, comedian or going into showbiz because of money. 

Our multinationals should consider other viable ways of compensating Talents, some young Talents are silenced by the quantity of money they are exposed to at their unprepared age, Talent is not only singing, dancing or making people to laugh. Our media houses should help us here, where are the quiz competitions, debate clubs and other intellectual engagements. 

Remember, TALENT IS NOT ENOUGH…The reason why people are SHUT DOWN before their time is because they were SHIT OUT before their time.
To DESTROY a man is to give him RESPONSIBILITY beyond his ABILITY at the age below CAPACITY. Stop chasing MONEY and start chasing HONEY…Honey is that which you add to someone’s life per day, you will surely be paid for it. We can’t continue to run after mundane things and our government will take us serious, if not the President will not appoint a former governor already indicted with a fraud of N200M as the minister for youth development at age 56…Nigerian Youths Decide by deep thinking. This materialistic lifestyle will not take us anywhere, I pray that we will repent and do the NEEDFUL, amen. Remember, it is IRRESPONSIBILTY that makes a man become LIABILITY.
God Bless Nigerian Youths.
‘The Navigator’
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The greatest discovery a person can ever make is the discovery of his or her life’s purpose. And this is the fastest route to fulfillment in life. -Olapurpose James Asu
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(Purpose Coach)
School of Purpose Discovery International


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