Sucess is what every Average Human Crave for in Life, No one has ever set out to be a Failure, Every Human want to be Successful be in Business, Career, Work, Profession etc.
The Truth is, Every human seeks a Place in History Books. Everybody wants to be Legendary, Everybody wants to be Relevant before and after Death.
The World is Filled with Success-Driven Folks, who want to make a difference without doing Nothing. They wish to Do Great things in their minds, but in Reality they are caught doing Nothing than mere Dreaming. Dreams and Aspirations are Good, but if you do nothing towards fulfilling your Life Dreams daily, you will wake up to find yourself Old before your very own eyes.
Everything has a Process in Life, Process by which must be followed in other to graduate to the next process. We are living in a time where Individuals think Due Process can't be skipped. They think they will be great in the Future, while all they do now is nothing. You can MICROWAVE anything you wish to do in Life expectation of Success. You can't MICROWAVE Success, You can't become Successful by doing Nothing than Nothing. Days comes and Days go, As the Clock ticks so as we get Older, So as our stay on Earth get shorter, So as our Responsibilities gets Bigger, Every Minute Counts in Life.
There are no Neutrals in SUCCESS and FAILURE, You are Either Successful or A Failure. Mind you Successful Thinking or Positive Affirmations can't make you Successful, it only leads to failure if you do Nothing. What's your Goals, Dreams, and Plans in Life? What do you want to become in the next 5 years? Don't waste your entire day without doing anything that moves you closer to them. Start now to build the Bridge of your Success while you are still Strong, Stop wasting your Life Day Dreaming, Do Something with your Life today, or else Nothing is what you will see Tomorrow. You can only be Successful or End up being a Failure, It's Only HERE or THERE, There is no Neutrality about it, Make Most of your Life and Time now, and Avoid Dying being a Failure.
By Simeon Malachy
Simeon is CEO at Rightful living, member, Rotary International District 9125 Nigeria. He is an inspirational writer, life coach, football pundit and thoughtful leader.
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